Learning Centres such as Child Care Centres, Schools & Universities are made up from a variety of rooms or buildings that may have different heating & cooling needs.
Classrooms, halls, gymnasiums, offices & canteens, all of these rooms have varying occupancy & different activities requiring the right type of efficient heating or cooling needs.
In any learning centre, as in any work environment, a comfortable room temperature is essential for the productivity and general, well-being of students and staff.
Research has shown that having the wrong climate in a place of learning can directly impact a student’s learning capacity to concentrate and can cause physical challenges too.
They key is to provide a system that maintains the highest possible indoor air quality at the lowest possible energy costs. A well-designed HVAC system maintains space temperature and humidity conditions, as well as minimum outdoor air amounts, economically and efficiently.
We work with engineering consultants, mechanical contractors and your facility team to assess what facilities you have then provide you with the exact solutions that fit your facility’s needs, get in touch to speak to one of our experts today.
Industrial Air has a range of products and equipment in our portfolio to enable us to tailor efficient, sustainable and costs effective solutions to meet every requirement.
Industrial Air is the centre of HVAC&R, providing a better degree of service.
From our supply chain to warehouse and distribution of the highest quality products, our network of manufacturers around the world, our in house engineering and service team, to our vast relationships with air conditioning & refrigeration technicians, mechanical contractors and engineering consultants, you can rest assured that we have the resources to ensure your individual requirements can be met.
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